Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Best of All Possible Worlds

Comet Neowise 

Two weeks from this Friday, I shall be teaching kids at school again, and I shall be celebrating my 73rd birthday. We shall all be wearing masks, so nothing could go wrong, right?

 But just to imagine otherwise, to contemplate a worst case scenario, is always worth a consideration, don't you think? 
After all, take a look at our world today. After weeks of peaceful protests of racism and mistreatment of minorities by the police and others in this country, after the grossly unjust murders of people of color in several of our cities, the  response of our president and his enablers is now to send federal troops into the cities, beginning with Portland, despite the governor of Oregon and the mayor of Portland asking them to leave. They were not invited. In our worst case, they will still be prowling our cities in large numbers and in unmarked vehicles on election day. 

On said day, Nov. 3, 2020, despite voter intimidation, throwing out absentee ballots, and changing machine totals, Biden will win the popular vote by over five million votes. But Trump, thanks to tactics and corruption, will eek out just enough electoral votes to win. 
Still, his win will be a Pyrrhic victory. By then, the unstoppable  coronavirus will have killed close to a million people of all races and ages. Millions more will be in hospitals. 
A number of hurricanes will have badly damaged Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. Pollution will be adding to the hospitalizations. The economy will be in ruins as we enter a major depression. And what comes after a deep Depression? War, most likely with China. A Nuclear War.

The Climate crisis, viruses, pollution, and war will accelerate the end of civilization on Earth and possible extinction by 2090 of the Human Race (all of the races; all of the religions).

As for me? Having outlived Socrates by three years, and had a rather wonderful life, though at times filled with loss, I will be dead. Having acquired Covid 19 from a student who was asymptomatic, who insisted on discussing the meaning of life, I will die at home with Darryl at my side. I refused to go to the hospital. To paraphrase George Floyd, I won't be able to breathe. 

There is good news, even given this scenario: The Birds and Bees will be eternally grateful.


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