Saturday, May 30, 2020

Nationwide Protests against Racism and Inequality

From my posts on FB:

We are watching protests in several major cities tonight: Minneapolis, Atlanta, New York, L.A., Washington, Denver, Dallas, Sacramento... And one thing is clear: We have had years of ignoring the Rule of Law by the T administration and Republicans in Congress. Now there is anarchy and lawlessness after injustice and murder. These protests are all multi-racial. Young people of all races are protesting the bigotry in our country. Younger people do not share the racism of older people, in general. Younger people are fed up with the cruelty, the hatred of the Trumpers. I do not approve of the violence; but I am heartened by the fact that so many whites are joining in these protests. Protests are needed, peaceful protests against the horrible inequality.
Protesters clash with police after former officer is charged in George Floyd’s death


  • I think many people simply don't understand why the protests are so violent and destructive. They are not only about he murder in Minneapolis. These protests are about racism in the country and how it has been elevated and encouraged by DT and his ardent Republican enablers. There is grotesque inequality; whites, as well as people of color, are sick of it. We want an end to the corporate greed and abuse, an end to the racism, implicit and explicit. You can't expect emotional protesters to sit down rationally and say, "Oh, CNN is a friend; don't break their windows or put up graffiti there." This isn't a rational plan; the protests are an eruption after years of intolerance and hate from people in power. It is overdue. If DT and his ilk are able to use corruption and the anachronistic, anti-democratic EC to keep power, this is the future of the country for years to come.


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