“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” -Buddha***
We mortals are composed of two great schools--Enlightened knaves or else religious fools.
--Abul 'Ala al Ma'arri (973-1057)***
"Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!" -Auntie Mame
Philosophy, History, Travel, the Arts, Whatever's on my Table...
February in the Georgia Mountains: Early today it appeared to be raining milk. The snow covered the land quickly. From our balcony we watched the fineness of the snow turn to flakes . I thought of Kate Bush and her son singing the fifty names for snow. Now that it is late afternoon, Dar and I are listening to Native American flute. Birds outdoors are singing as the snow gradually calms and halts, wild geese fly overhead, as clouds again reveal the tops of mountains. It could not be more mellow. I've been out hiking the ranch, photographing the horses, the trees, the snowscape... 50 Words for Snow (Kate Bush) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7qacpDu0zM&list=PLJ7QPuvv91JuUh2WOl-tqI0yFJIPxIpEA
Start with the facts. 1) The U.S. Government Accountability Office (U.S. GAO) has stated that Trump broke the law when he withheld approved funds from Ukraine.
2) Trump committed bribery and extortion of a foreign leader, illegally withholding nearly 400 million dollars in order to get personal help with his 2020 election. 3) Trump has demonstrated racism repeatedly in his comments and policies. 4) He ordered thousands of Hispanic children separated from their parents, and put in cages where they have been abused physically and sexually. 5) He has removed essential protections of our rivers, wetlands, air, and environment, allowing harmful chemicals to enter our water supply, raw sewage to be dumped into our rivers, and carbon emissions to rise. 6) He denies climate change, allowing worsening conditions to contribute to rising seas and temperatures that are heightening floods and wildfires throughout the country. 7) He is appointing judges that are right wing ideologues, who are not approved by the ABA, who want to perpetuate racism, homophobia, and the power of corporations. 8) All of his economic decisions and policies are based on helping the oil companies and corporations, not workers or the middle class. This includes his tax cuts for the rich, the very rich. 9) His economic successes are based on removing regulations that protect us from pollution and boost the profits of corporations. He has also run up the largest national debt in our history. 10) He refuses to take the advice of his own cabinet, firing the people he needs to protect our national security, and run the country. He wants loyalty to himself rather than the country, firing people by tweet, and acting as if he is still a TV personality. 11) He is a misogynist, bragging about sexually assaulting women. Paying off prostitutes and mistresses to keep them from revealing his infidelities. He cares nothing for women's rights or for the rights of women over their own bodies. 12) He stole money from charities, including charities for children and veterans, for his own use. He was fined 2 million dollars while in office for doing this. 13) He has constantly tried to end the Affordable Care Act and take away our medical insurance. He would leave people with costly insurance most could not afford and with no protection for pre-existing conditions like cancer. 14) He almost started a war with Iran. Given 4 more years, there is great likelihood he could start a huge, destructive war with a host of countries. 15) He appoints his family and those who give him large amounts of money to high level jobs in his administration and as ambassadors. 16) He is a narcissist who claims that he can do whatever he likes. He is a megalomaniac who cares nothing for the country and the people, and everything for absolute dictators like Putin of Russia. His financial ties to Russia are still hidden from us, as are his taxes. 17) He abandoned our allies, the Kurds, allowing Turkey to invade Syria. 18) He continues to spend billions on a wall the wind has blown over. He is taking money away from approved Pentagon Projects to do this. 19) Rather than making America great, he has made America hate. He is the most divisive President we have ever had. 20) He is trying to end Medicare and Social Security which workers have paid for from their salaries. 21) He surrounds himself with criminals. His personal attorney is in prison. His agents are connected to the Russian Mafia. He is undermining the checks and balances of our Constitution, turning the Presidency into a dictatorship.