A brief response to friend
Theresa Ann Aleshire Williams
1. What do you absolutely love in life?

My husband, friends, travel, philosophy, writing, reading, art, music, good film, and nature.

2. What are your greatest accomplishments in life so far?
My teaching and whatever influence I've had on others, my writing, published or not, my Doctorate in philosophy as indication of my love of philosophy, the love I've shared with others, and my photography.
(College days)
3. What would you stand for if you knew no one would judge you?
What I stand for now, equality of opportunity and civil liberties, a fairer economy for all, pacifism, universal education and healthcare. Polyamory. Protection of the environment.
4. If your life had absolutely no limits and you could have it all and do whatever you wanted, what would you choose to have and what would you choose to do?

I'd provide a commune of sorts for friends and kindred spirits, a Garden of Epicurus for thinkers, writers, artists and others who prefer a life different from the norm. I'd love to have shared homes in several countries, but starting with Big Sur and the Big Island of Hawaii, and possibly Seattle. I would travel with others as long as possible.
(Painting by Larry Connatser)
5. What would you do if you had one billion dollars?
Establish the above goals. Give to good causes.
6. Who do you admire most in the world?
Living or dead? Or does that matter? I admire the Dalai Lama, I admire good writers, living and dead. I admire Simone de Beauvoir and her lover Jean-Paul. I admire great acting and therefore many good actors including one who is a life-long friend. I admire many poets. I admire most those who have made the earth, society, culture, and life better than they found it.
Joseph Mydell as Casca
in the RSC production of Julius Caesar