Great article:
Glad we are going there!
June 15, New Orleans Eco-Travel Examiner
Traci Claussen
I am the
Day 57 of the BP oil spill disaster. You know, the one which continues to rape and terrorize the Louisiana way of life, with absolutely no end in sight. Where Americans no longer have faith in the blah blah blah spewing from CEO Tony Hayward, any of his cast of characters, or even in their "quick guide to an oil spill plan" that includes of all things, walruses.
Sarah Palin Fact Check: there are NO walruses in the gulf of mexico.
Thank god for Anderson Cooper. And for MSNBC's Rachel Maddow. Both refuse to let them off the hook the way so many others have (i.e. those who prefer to attack the Obama Administration) and both are actually reporting from the zone daily or weekly, the way no other news group is. Thank you.
Needless to say, those of us who live in New Orleans and surrounding area are beyond tired of getting dumped on. First by the BUSH administration during Katrina (HBO's Treme is spot on, folks); and now, BP with their classic lover's lies:
1. We won't GUSH in your mouth
2. We're CLEAN; we've been tested
3. The check is IN the mail
While this New Orleans Eco-travel Examiner would love nothing more than to review the latest greatest spot for you to visit, the truth is...New Orleans and the entire Gulf Region
IS still one of the best places on earth. If there is a lesson here, let it be that those who believe New Orleans is just a great decadent place, where you can drink and throw your trash on our streets while your addictions are fulfilled before you return to your white picket fence, guess again.
Since Katrina, New Orleans has grown more eco-preneurs than any other city. The innovation available within our geographic area is endless. The history of our culture is one that unifies and grows in strength; we are an anomaly, from our immune systems to how we react or respond to what others dish out. We are a culture who takes care of those who need help. We are forgiving. We welcome all. And now, we've shown more than enough Southern Hospitality to one particular unruly guest: BP. It's time to kick them out.
If you or someone you know had a vacation planned along the Gulf Coast, KEEP IT. Volunteer to be part of the "BP" conspiracy "clean up" and experience first hand the power of a corporation GONE WILD. If anything should stop an individual's dependency on fossil fuels, it would be facing the truth head on. The BP oil spill will make it's way to a beach or water source near you, even if you keep your head in the sand because the estimated 60,000 barrels of oil per day gushing into the Gulf of Mexico is probably still less than 50% of what is actually gushing.
At a recent Pecha Kucha meeting, the Sierra Club posted a map that marked all of the active and pending oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. Over 90% of the markers were off the Louisiana coast, and less than 50% of the income actually benefits our state. Yet, our state takes all the risk for the country. And New Orleans takes all the toxic hits from the Mississippi River that are dumped from up north.
Enough. Seriously. Enough. To quote Jon Goodman's character in HBO's Treme, based on local writer Creighton Bernette, "F*ck you, you f*cking f*ck."